August 20 Minutes
Minutes of the Meeting held by Zoom at 7pm on Wednesday12 August 2020
Councillors Geoff Hotchkin, Julie Frizzell, George Frizzell, Robert Spencer, Malcolm Ternouth, Sally Tarry.
Cllr Mark Robinson, Cllr Will Watts, Cllr Stewart Ogden
No members of the public attended the Zoom video call
1.0 WELCOME The Chairman welcomed Councillors and District Councillor to the meeting.
The Chairman made a public statement regarding the former Parish Clerk.
The Chairman advised that the former Parish Clerk, Adrian Illingworth, has been charged with a series of frauds against a number of Lincolnshire Parish Councils, involving an estimated £15-20K. Approximately £1.8k relates to theft from Helpringham Parish Council. The fraud was detected by Parish Councillors, who then worked closely with Lincolnshire Police and Lloyds Bank. Once the extent of the fraud was known (May 2020), the PC immediately commissioned a full audit of the accounts for the previous 2 years; this full audit was completed in June 2020, the accounts were approved by the independent auditor and signed off by the Chairman. Illingworth, of Church Street, Scredington, is due to appear at Lincoln Magistrates Court later this month. The Chairman wished to record the Council’s thanks to Cllr Julie Frizzell for her investigative work in identifying the fraud and working closely with Lincolnshire Police (supported by Cllr Will Watts).
2.0 APOLOGIES- Cllr Mark Robinson, Cllr Will Watts, Cllr Stewart Ogden
4.0 SIGNING OF JULY MEETING MINUTES. Approved apart from 12.5 of the previous agenda, the discussion of the Pinfold which was missed from the Minutes. The Council apologised to the parishioner for this omission. To be covered later in the agenda.
5.0 DISTRICT COUNCILLORS REPORT. Boundary Commission now at the consultation phase. Draft recommendation is that Helpringham will join with Osbournby.
6.0 PLANNING MATTERS. 6.1 20/0927/FUL 8A High Gate. Application for butchery. PC happy to support.
6.2 20/1013/TPO Felling of the chestnut tree, High St. PC has asked if there is an alternative to felling and would ask the Tree Officer to advise.
6.3 20/0857/FUL 16 Vicarge Lane. Menage construction. PC happy to support.
6.4 20/0909/VARCON Knott Hall. Change of access. PC will request deferment of input to NKDC in order to discuss at the September PC meeting.
7.0 MATTERS ARISING FROM MINUTES. 7.1 Wheelwrights Lane overhanging hedge. Chairman reported on Fix My Street. Ongoing.
7.2 Station Road path Ambler House to bridge. Ongoing.
8.0 FINANCE (separate annex supplied with minutes) 8.1 Financial report accepted
8.2 The bank reconciliation was accepted
8.3 Financial planning update.
8.4 Payments approved.
8.5 A 3 year deal was agreed for the church clock servicing contract.
9.1 No internments
9.2 . 2 tonne of gravel manually filled 16 kerbed memorials by Cllr G Frizzell. 16 still to be done; the PC agreed to purchase more gravel in the near future.
9.3 Hedge has been trimmed; an excellent job done by the contractor.
9.4 A discussion took place regarding reducing the height of the road side hedge to approx. 3 foot. All agreed and investigations would be conducted by the Chairman to see how this could be effected.
9.5 Lawnmower back in for repair; there will be a period of no grass cutting until it is returned.
10.0 HIGHWAYS. There are a number of ongoing issues that have had no response from higher authority. Council to chase up District Councillor Barry Young(again) and copy in Councillor Davies (L.C.C.). The Vice Chairman would action and include Martin Hill.
11.0 MATTERS AFFECTING VILLAGE 11.1 Community Speed Awareness would resume and the Council agreed dates.
11.2 Litter Picking – Cllr Ternouth was commended for his personal commitment to carrying out the litter picking throughout the pandemic.
11.3 Grass cutting – the contract will be discussed in September, the tender aimed for release in October, discussion in the November and December meetings and subsequently awarded for Spring 2021 commencement.
11.4 Pinfold. Apologies to the parishoners for the oversight. The PC had agreed and again confirmed they could pay for the cost of materials to repair the gate and that their occupancy of the Pinfold was to continue.
11.5 A PR had been submitted to LALC highlighting the memorial bench erection on the village green to commemorate VE Day 2020.
11.6 Cllr Ternouth had replied to the parishioner and given guidance to contact the Conservation Officer at NKDC; the parishioner expressed gratitude.
11.7 Zoom will continue for all meetings for the foreseeable future.
11.8 The Vice Chairman had replied to the parishioner regarding a query on a tree in the High Street cemetery. Advice had been given by St Andrews’ Church Warden, the Tree Officer and the Cemetery Officer; further guidance was provided regarding options the parishioner may wish to consider.
12.0 CLERK RECRUITMENT. 12.1 There had been several applications and interviews would be held before the end of August.
Wednesday 9 September 2020
Zoom Invite.
Topic: Parish Council Meeting 7 pm start
Time: Sep 12, 2020 – Zoom open from 630pm PM London
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