March 21 Minutes


Approved Minutes of the Meeting held by Zoom at 7.30pm on Wednesday 10 March 2021


Councillors Geoff Hotchkin, Julie Frizzell, Mark Robinson, George Frizzell, Malcolm Ternouth, Robert Spencer and William Watts.  Parish Clerk Julie Dixon and  District Councillor Sally Tarry.


There were no members of the public in attendance. 


The Chairman welcomed everybody and thanked them for their attendance.


Apologies were received from District Councillor S. Ogden.


It was resolved to adopt the minutes of the meeting of 10th February 2021 as a true and correct record.


There were no matters arising from the minutes that were not to be further discussed on the Agenda.


Councillor Mark Robinson declared an interest in item 7.1 and Councillor Robert Spencer declared an interest in the items 7.1 to 7.5.  It was also declared by the Clerk that she has an interest in item 7.4.


District Councillor Sally Tarry thanked parishioners for their patience with NKDC during the period of no waste collection before reporting that on 02/03/2021 NKDC set their Council Tax on at £4.95 representing an increase of 2.92%. It was also reported that the 2021-2022 plan and the 2030 Community strategy have been adopted.

Councillor George Frizzell advised that the Parish Council has now purchased its own litter picking equipment and asked District Councillor Tarry how to arrange for rubbish to be collected, in the past when the equipment has been borrowed from NKDC they also arrange collection.  It was advised to contact Jenny Bradley at NKDC who should be able to arrange this.  Councillor Ternouth has the lead on this project.


7.1         It was resolved that application reference 21/0120/FUL for the erection of stables and change of use to associated paddock on land off George Street be objected to for the following reasons:

*There are 4 more proposed properties to be built upon this site, what effect will this have on these properties?

*The proposed siting of the stables is very close to residential properties and also properties that will be developed in the area of Shepherds Lane, causing concern over noise from the horses, smell due to the wind direction and flies common with keeping fowl and horses. 

*Will the access be sufficient to allow vehicles access such as a horse box and  as and when required a suitable vehicle to remove the manure?

*What is the proposal for the siting of the manure heap and then the subsequent disposal of manure?

The Parish Council wishes to stress that they are not against the project in principle but wondered if the stables and the proposed chicken run could be moved further away from residential properties.

7.2         It is resolved that application reference 20/0146/FUL Change of use from agricultural storage to E and B business and Industrial is supported by the Parish Council.

7.3         It is resolved that application reference 21/0221/FUL Change of use of part of paddock to a menage with lighting columns and stable block at The Meadows North Drove Helpringham Fen is supported by the Parish Council

7.4         It is resolved that application reference  21/0192/FUL Change of use from grain store to dog daycare including boarding services with 12 kennels is supported by the Parish council.

7.5         It is resolved that application reference 21/0288/HOUS Erection of side extension, new porch and render to existing building at 14a Ashby Lodge, Shepherds Lane Helpringham is supported by the Parish Council.

8.0         FINANCE

8.1 The financial report presented by the Vice Chairman was accepted.

8.2 The bank reconciliation was accepted as correct.

8.3 It is was reported that a response to the letter sent to Lloyds Bank by the Chairman of the Parish Council after the last meeting has been acknowledged and Lloyds Bank have agreed with the complaint made, regarding cheques being fraudulently processed; this has resulted in compensation in the sum of £1770.91 being issued. The money will be used to purchase something for the village.  It has been suggested that a bench commemorating the Community coming together through the last year of difficult times may be appropriate and placed by the pond on the entrance to the village with a proposed tidy up around the pond. A second location suggested was near the cemetery adjacent to the church.

8.4 The Parish Council would welcome any comments or suggestions, so do please feel free to contact the Clerk at: email: Tel: 07854402942.

8.5 The photocopier has been sold and the money received. The Parish Council wishes to extend thanks to Mr Paddy Johnson for storing the machine and aiding in the relocation to its new owner

8.6 It was discussed and resolved that the Parish Clerk does not wish to be enrolled into a pension scheme

8.7 Litter picking equipment to the value of £130.20 comprising of 7 Pickers, 10 sets of gloves and a sharps bin has been purchased by the Parish Council. Anyone wishing to help in keeping the village tidy is welcome to pick up equipment from Councillor Malcolm Ternouth

8.8 It was resolved to approve the payment of membership to LALC )Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils)

8.9 The following payments were approved at the meeting

Julie Dixon

Clerks Salary





CJP Garden Services

Grass Cutting as per contract




9.1         It was reported by Councillor George Frizzell, the Cemetery Officer, that there have not been any internments, or memorials erected this month. A topple test risk assessment will be carried out shortly.

10.0       HIGHWAYS

It was reported that after writing to our MP Dr Caroline Johnson, the response from Lincolnshire County Council is somewhat perturbing, to be told that major works are not to be carried out on this stretch of road, from Helpringham to Screddington until 2022/2023 is completely unacceptable and contrary to what has been previously advised. It was resolved that a further letter to the MP, inviting her to visit and inspect the dangerous state of this road in particular but also the surrounding area is to be the next step.

It was also resolved to pursue Lincolnshire County Council in relation to the footpath into the village (Station Road) which was originally advised would be completed in the 2020/2021 financial year.


11.1       There is to be a road closure at Blotoft level crossing from 22:00 on 29/03/2021 to 06:30 on 31/03/2021.

11.2       Councillor Robert Spencer provided receipts as requested at the last meeting, highlighting the extra cost of servicing and maintaining his lawnmower in comparison to the previous two a result of the use of his own mower in cutting the green etc last summer. It was resolved to reimburse Councillor Spencer the sum of £270.00, that being the difference between parts only from previous years).

Councillor Mark Robinson, being the other Councillor to have used his own machine for Council property has declined re-imbursement.

11.3       Cllr George Frizzell reported that the Church Clock appears to be running fast again and seems as if it will be a case of rectifying every few weeks.

11.4       A letter of thanks has been received following the Grant given to HAVCS.

11.5       Councillor Julie Frizzell and the Parish Clerk are looking into the possibility of using Mail Chimp as a platform for an e-newsletter. The method of collecting email addresses in respect of GDPR needs to be assessed.

11.6       Government regulations state that the return to Face to Face meetings must resume on and after 7th May 2021. However, this is the regulation that was put into force last year  in the infancy of the pandemic. NALC are working to press government to extend these regulations beyond this date and we will be kept informed over the coming months.

11.7       It was discussed that a letter has been received from a  resident requesting a dog waste bin be erected at the beginning of South Fen Road. The parish Council will collate costings for this and it will be brought back to the next meeting.


Councillor George Frizzell brought up the fact that the Christmas Tree is still on the Green.  Councillor Robert Spencer is to look into removing this.


The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 14 April 2021 via Zoom.   It was noted that following Government guidance, it was likely that all meetings for the foreseeable future would be via Zoom.

Topic: Helpringham Parish Council Meeting - 1930 start

Time: April 14, 2020 19:15 London

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Meeting ID: 980 055 2536