November 2023 Minutes
Agreed Minutes of the Meeting held on Thursday 9th November2023
Councillors Geoff Hotchkin (Chairman), George Frizzell, Julie Frizzell, Robert Spencer, Mark Robinson, William Watts, Chris Taylor, Clerk Judy Pittock and District Councillor Russell Jackson
There were no members of the public present.
The Chairman welcomed the Councillors and thanked them for attendance and also welcomed the new Clerk, Judy Pittock.
Apologies were received from Councillor Key.
The date on the October minutes was corrected to read the 11th October 2023. It was then resolved to adopt the minutes of the meeting of 11th October 2023 as a true and correct record.
It was noted that the minutes from the meeting held on 13th September 2023 had not been signed at the previous meeting. It was therefore resolved to adopt the minutes from this meeting as a true and correct record.
No declarations were made.
District Councillor Russell Jackson’s report is attached to these minutes.
7.1 Amended details – Erection of 1no detached dwelling, land to rear of 22 School Lane - this was for information only.
7.2 Application Number: 23/1183/PNND
Proposal: Change of use from agricultural barn to a dwelling house
Location: Devonport Farm, North Drove.
No comments were made and it was resolved to support the application.
7.3 Application Number: 20/1081/TPO – included on Agenda in error.
7.4 Application Number: 23/1284/TCA
Proposal: Trim Leylandii hedge away from churchyard boundary.
Cllr George Frizzell queried whether this may be a retrospective application as the hedge appears to have already been cut but the application may involve trimming within the churchyard grounds.
There were no objections and it was resolved to support the application.
7.5 Application Number: 23/1257/TCA
Proposal: Remove Silver Birch tree
Location: 10 East Street.
This was an additional agenda item.
There were no objections and it was resolved to support the application.
8.1 The financial report and bank reconciliation presented by the Clerk were accepted.
8.2 The following payments were approved:
CJP Garden Services |
Invoices 466 &469 |
£660 |
Grass Cutting | No Vat |
Norton AntiVirus | GLTFE8745 | £537.74 | Not Approved | |
Clerk's Wages |
Clerk Salary |
£90.10 |
October 23 | No Vat |
Clerks expenses |
Postage |
£2.50 |
Post Office 17/10/2023 | |
Clerks Expenses |
Stationery |
£19.97 |
Amazon 27/10/2023 | No Vat |
Memorial Hall | 09/11/2023 | £36 | Sep/Oct/Nov23 | No Vat |
Rememberance Wreath | £25 |
It was agreed that the Clerk should cancel the Norton Antivirus as this is no longer needed
It was agreed to that payment for the Remembrance Wreath should be forwarded to the December meeting as the invoice had not been received before the start of the meeting
The Clerk’s expenses had been approved via email prior to the meeting by Cllr Julie Frizzell and were agreed by all present at the meeting.
Payment of the invoice for the Memorial Hall was proposed by Cllr Robinson and seconded by Cllr Taylor.
Cllr Julie Frizzell proposed that the Clerk purchase an external hard drive for storage of Parish Council data therefore adhering to GDP regulations. Cllr George Frizzell seconded this and all were in agreement. A spend cap of £300.00 was applied.
10.1 Report by Cllr George Frizzell
There had been no interments. The memorials for plots 142/144 are still ongoing.
It was agreed that Cllr Frizzell should liaise with CJP Garden Services re when the last grass and hedge cuts of the year should be done. It was also noted that the elder would be removed during the final clear up.
A discussion was then held about the grass cutting tender. On review it was noted that the current contract runs from 2022-2024 so there is no need to go to tender until next year.
The Council would like to extend it’s sincere thanks to the resident who has very kindly cleared up the corner part of the cemetery on Hale Road where the excess spoil is located. They have tided and landscaped the area and planted some new shrubs. It looks so much better and everyone on the Parish Council is extremely grateful.
The Conservation area is also looking tidy and in good order.
Report by Cllr George Frizzell
11.1 The Church Clock is now running to time and with the help and advice of Smiths of Derby the issue of the timings of the bells may have been resolved.
11.2 The Parish Council website is up to date.
12.1 The Speed statistics are now accessible on the website. Speeds have dropped slightly and the information is being passed on to the Lincolnshire Speed Awareness Partnership for analysis.
12.2 Cllr George Frizzell reported that 2 posts had been knocked down on Station Road and these have reported this to Fix My Street.
12.3 It was queried whether a notice had been received about the closure of George Street. Cllr Taylor noted that the signs had been out for about a month.
12.4 Cllr Taylor commented on the continuing bad state of both North and South Drove despite some of the potholes having been filled in. It was resolved that the Clerk should write to Rowan Smith requesting an update following the village survey.
Cllrs Hotchkin, Watts and Robinson attended the first meeting that was held on 8th November 2023. The purpose of the group is to enable local input and discussions with Anglian Water re the development of the site. The next meeting is in February 2024. A further report from Cllr Watts is attached to the minutes.
It was agreed that Cllr George Frizzell should create a page on the Parish Council Website specifically for Reservoir matters and this will also allow parishioners to make comments via the Anglian Water Portal.
14.1 Village Noticeboard refurbishment – Cllr Taylor has kindly agreed to carry out this work, including replacing the cork board and re-varnishing the exterior. All were in favour and an allowance of £300.00 was allocated for materials.
14.2 Online banking – Cllr Julie Frizzell proposed that the Clerk applies for online banking. Cllr Taylor seconded the motion and all were in agreement.
14.3 Clerk recruitment – Contract was approved.
The Clerk left the room whilst the Council discussed the NALC new pay rates (applicable from 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2023) received 6th November 23 from LALC. It was agreed that the Clerk should be awarded a starting salary of £13.73/hr (SPINE 12) backdated to 12th October 2023. It was also agreed that the outgoing Clerk should receive backdated pay as the new rates were applicable to her time in office.
14.4 Autumn village and cemetery clear up. A date has not yet been agreed for this with the contractor but it was noted that a request has been received from a resident to prune the bush that is overhanging.
14.5 LALC Training
Cllr Taylor is to attend a New Councillor Course at his earliest convenience.
The Parish Clerk and Cllr Julie Frizzell are to speak to LALC to query affiliation/training payments that are due LALC.
The Parish Clerk is to request information and attend when possible:
Clerk Mentoring
Precept training
New Clerk Training
Planning Course for Clerks
Access permissions for ‘Clerk Only’ pages on LALC website
14.6 Citizens Advice Bureau – received correspondence requesting a donation. Clerk to send a link for the relevant page on the Parish Council website and put donations on the Agenda for the December meeting.
14.7 Community Infrastructure Levy – Clerk to chase up NKDC about possible duplicate payment. £106.77 was received and put towards the purchase of two new benches, one for the conservation area and one for the cemetery.
14.8 Defibrillator Funding – Clerk to send link for the relevant grants page on the Parish Council website.
14.9 Electoral Register – this is received via email monthly and will be forwarded to all Councillors.
14.10 Lincs Police Parish Council Engagement Meeting 7th December 2023. This is an online meeting. Clerk to send information to the Chair.
14.11 Parish Council Engagement – included on Agenda in error as is the same as item 14.7
14.12 Heckington Area Voluntary Car Service AGM 22nd November 2023. Clerk to send apologies as no-one is able to attend but also to invite them to apply for funding from the Parish Council.
The next meeting will take place on Thursday 14th December 2023 in Helpringham Memorial Hall and will commence at 7.30pm.
The meeting closed at 9.15pm.
District Councillors Report Helpringham - Nov 2023
Sleaford’s Market Place
The Planning Application for the change to the Market Place can be viewed HERE. The application number is 23/0803/FUL. It was brought before the Planning Committee on Tuesday evening with 12 in favour with one abstention of deferring the application. It received more than 100 objections and a petition with more than 1,000 signatures.
It was delayed for six reasons:
- Ensuring disabled people have fair access.
- Clarity on materials demonstrating how they reflect, preserve, and enhance the heritage of the square.
- Reassessment of seating to ensure people can engage with the heritage assets.
- Reconsideration of the removal of the toilet block for traders. Ensuring provision for business is reconsidered, such as timed access for deliveries.
- Toc consider simple, unobtrusive protection for the war memorial.
Report a flood
I have been informed that Lincolnshire may catch the tail end of 40mm of rain predicted to fall on the other side of the Humber, and then there is another front building to hit around the weekend, in light of this I thought it might be useful to send out an update on how to report a flood.
In the event of a flooding emergency you should focus on the safety of yourself and your family.
Dial 999 or 112 if it is an emergency.
For help on preparing for a flooding or severe weather event, visit our Emergency Advice section.
To report any type of flooding please contact us on:
Customer Service Centre – 01522 782082
Flood and Water Team – This email is monitored Monday – Friday during office hours.
Alternatively, flooding can be reported through the Environment Agency’s national Floodline:
Telephone – 0345 988 1188
Textphone – 0345 602 6340
Floodline is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
When reporting a flooding incident, please provide as much factual information as possible, as this will enable us to better perform our functions.
Once submitted we will check to see whether it meets our thresholds for a formal investigation.
If it doesn't, we will still provide tailored advice and guidance for you.
Your views on the District wanted in two new surveys Residents’ thoughts on the visitor economy in North Kesteven are needed to help support and inform a new tourism strategy to be shaped for the District. The survey by North Kesteven District Council invites people to share their priorities and wish list for the local visitor economy. These thoughts will then be collated and used to support the future of the District’s visitor economy by helping shape the North Kesteven Tourism Strategy 2024 – 2029. The survey asks for input from residents, businesses, organisations and the people behind visitor attractions. The survey launched early this month, with paper copies available at some venues including Cogglesford Watermill and Navigation House in Sleaford, Cranwell Aviation Heritage Museum, and Mrs Smith’s Cottage in Navenby. It’s also available online until 31 October 2023 HERE. The Council is also asking for thoughts and comments to help pinpoint areas of North Kesteven that are thriving, but also where the people and places of greatest need are so that the right support can be provided. The Council’s vision is for a District of flourishing communities, and to ensure it’s clear what that means for residents at an individual and community level – in order to shape and best-direct the Council’s services, resources and responses – the authority undertakes a periodic review. Residents can respond to the Flourishing Scale consultation as an individual or on behalf of their local community, whether that’s a group or club, street or more widely. The deadline is Friday 17 November 2023. For more information please visit HERE. Please do share both surveys within your communities. |
Monument Gardens There’s still time for residents to respond to a survey asking how they use Monument Gardens in Sleaford, ahead of proposals soon to refresh the space, which is next to Sleaford Museum on Southgate. The project by North Kesteven District Council could see the existing floral beds at Monument Gardens reshaped, with the possible addition of a small herb bed and some extra benches. There is also a suggestion that the area could incorporate a new mosaic, as can be seen in so many other areas of Sleaford town centre and along the river corridor. A survey has been undertaken asking how people rate Monument Garden’s facilities. It asks how people feel about the seating, lighting, convenience and accessibility at Monument Gardens as it is currently, and what kinds of activities they would like to see it accommodate in future. The survey closed 31 October. |
Remembrance ceremonies for 2023
The Sleaford Branch of the Royal British Legion will be hosting the following ceremonies to mark the Remembrance period this year.
Saturday 11 November - Armistice Day
Sunday 12 November - Remembrance Parade and Service
Both ceremonies will take place at Sleaford Town War Memorial, Market Place at 10.45am.
Overgrown footpaths in Cornish Cresent – reported to NKDC and they are investigating.