September 20 Minutes
Minutes of the Meeting held by Zoom at 7.30pm on Wednesday 9 September 2020
Councillors Geoff Hotchkin, Julie Frizzell, George Frizzell, Mark Robinson, Sally Tarry, Stewart Ogden.
Cllrs Will Watts, Robert Spencer, Malcolm Ternouth
Members of the Public
Julie Dixon, Jane Carling, John Dickie
Jane Carling shared with the PC, her changes to the plans for 25 Station Road. She explained that the limestone that had been chosen was in fitting with other properties built with Ancaster stone, such as the oldest part of Knott Hall, that the red brick was in keeping with the barn conversion to the east of Knott Hall, and that all properties were specifically designed to fit with other similar properties in the village. John Dickie concurred with Jane’s explanations, highlighting that only materials that fitted the indigenous palet were used. Jane also explained that the changes to the plans included consideration to making the properties smaller, to present a better external view of the development. The Chairman thanked Jane and John for their openness and also sought their views on the naming of the postal address for the development.
The Chairman opened the meeting, thanking those present for attending and welcoming the members of the public for their contribution.
Cllrs Will Watts, Malcolm Ternouth and Robert Spencer.
The Minutes were accepted.
Ward patterns were still open for consultation. Purple bins will be provided to residents by, on current plans, Autumn 2021. Cllrs requested notification of Knott Hall planning issue developments.
6.1 25 Station Road. The Council support the plans and unequivocally support the changes put forward. Cllr Frizzell would report back into NKDC following their approval of an extension to comments being made by the PC. In terms of naming of the development, the PC strongly supported ‘Knott Hall Gardens, Station Road, Helpringham’.
6.2 Felling of tree High Street. Approval had been given to fell and replace with a mature lime tree.
8.1 The Vice Chairman updated on the accounts and a copy of the bank reconciliation was accepted.
Proposed by Cllr Robinson, seconded Cllr G Frizzell.
8.2 Approval was sought and given, for the following payments to be made:
CJP Gardening, work to School Lane £50
Robert Crawford, repair work to the lawnmower £44.28
9.1 No interments.
9.2 Kents will be placing a temporary vase on the late Mrs Stanley’s grave. No charge as vase temporary.
9.3 Memorial bench in Hale Road Cemetery has been revarnished by a very kind lady parishioner Mrs West; the PC are extremely grateful.
9.4 Having previously been discussed, the PC further considered hedge maintenance for the roadside of the cemetery. CJ Gardening services quote for the hedge to be done to the PC’s requirements, at £2pm, was accepted and not to exceed £200. Proposed Cllr J Frizzell, seconded Cllr Robinson.
9.5 A volunteer had come forward to clean and prepare the cenotaph for November. The PC were extremely grateful to the volunteer, Mr Steve Tolton, who has now done this for some considerable time.
9.6 Numerous parishioners had approached several cllrs, to request that compliments be passed to the cllrs who were voluntarily grass cutting, at no cost to the village save for fuel, with 4 specifically stating that it was the best the cemetery, church yard and Green had looked for some considerable time. The Chairman wished thanks to be made specifically to Cllrs G Frizzell, Ternouth, Spencer and Robinson.
9.7 The Remembrance Wreath was to be ordered. Cllr J Frizzell would action.
9.8 The clock is again fast. Cllr G Frizzell would report to Smiths of Derby and follow up. It should be repaired without cost given how recently it was serviced.
10.1 To discuss highways issues; potholes, repairs, LCC update.
10.2 Following a Zoom meeting with Cllr Young, a site visit was arranged and took place earlier today (9 Sep). The Chair, Vice Chair, Cllr G Frizzell, Rowan Smith (Highways), Cllr Young (LCC) and a representative of Burton Pedwardine PC met on the Burton to Helpringham road to discuss the state of the local roads, but that route specifically (Helpringham, through Burton to the A17). The hour-long meeting was positive, engaging and strong representation from both PCs was made to LCC and Highways. Highways were incredibly receptive, accepted that the road was in a disgraceful state and undertook to create an action plan, which would be shared with both PCs, through Cllr Young, by the end of this week. Short, medium and long term support and solutions were to be investigated by Highways and we would be advised a timeline. Whilst giving us their full support, Highways were transparent in order to manage our expectations; a resurface was unlikely but nevertheless would also be included in the options. Annual inspections should have been carried out and a road scoring exercise would be done at the earliest practical opportunity. Much discussion was held around placing a weight limit on (7.5T) and we were reassured that it would ONLY apply to through traffic, not vehicles that had reason to use this specific roads. This is an option to be explored and considered, giving reassurance NO local business or farm would be affected, it would SOLELY apply to HGV traffic using that route as a shortcut from the A17 to A52 and vice versa. The addition of passing places would be investigated, as would reparation of the verges to reinstate the road to that which it should be, a small country road used only for access/egress to local villages.
Once the report is received, it will be circulated to councillors and shared at the next PC.
11.1 Community Speed Awareness. Date to be fixed in late September to resume.
11.2 Litter Pick. Cllr Ternouth continues to carry out litter picking adhoc. A village litter pick will resume once covid measures allow.
11.3 Grass cutting. A contract will be in place for 2021. The tender process will be examined in the October meeting, for November issue, December deadline for returns, consideration and award in the January meeting.
11.4 Update on the Pinfold; the rent has now been received from the tenants via BACS and a standing order set up for annual payment on 1 April each year. We await the invoices for the materials to repair the gate.
11.5 Photocopier and Village Newsletter. The gifting of the copier to the Memorial Hall was discussed. Cllr J Frizzell would liaise with the Memorial Hall to arrange this.
11.6 Asset Register. A full review of the asset register is required. It is a matter to be picked up with our new Clerk in post, and as part of the annual audit. Cllr Robinson volunteered to lead the Asset Register review.
11.7 Website. More than 40 hours had been dedicated to the build/population of the new LCC hosted website for the PC. Cllr G Frizzell, having led and carried out this work himself, volunteered to remain the PC Webmaster. Unanimously accepted. Cllrs were asked to complete a short biography to populate the ‘Meet the Council’ page. Much work was still to be done but it was hoped to be able to launch the site soon.
12.0 APPOINTMENT OF A PARISH CLERK. The PC is delighted to announce that Mrs Julie Dixon has accepted the offer to be the Helpringham Clerk and Proper Officer and Responsible Finance Officer. She will take up the appointment formally in the coming weeks.
Items which have occurred since the issuing of the agenda.
An unsigned letter of complaint had been received, after the agenda was issued, in the name of a parishioner, requesting information about the situation with our former clerk. As parishioners will appreciate, as the matter is still part of an ongoing criminal investigation, we cannot comment save for the statement already issued last month under the guidance of Lincolnshire Police Media and Communications.
The next meeting will take place on 14 October 2020 via Zoom. It was noted that following Government guidance, it was likely that all meetings for the foreseeable future would be via Zoom.
Zoom Invite.
Topic: Parish Council Meeting 7.30 pm start
Time: Oct 14, 2020 – Zoom open from 7pm PM London
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