October 20 Minutes
Minutes of the Meeting held by Zoom at 7.30pm on Wednesday 14 October 2020
Councillors Geoff Hotchkin, Julie Frizzell, Mark Robinson, George Frizzell, Malcolm Ternouth, Robert Spencer and William Watts.
Parish Clerk Julie Dixon (Proper Officer and Responsible Finance Officer (RFO)).
There were no members of the public in attendance.
The Chairman welcomed everybody to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance. He welcomed Mrs Julie Dixon as the new Clerk, Proper Officer and RFO.
Cllrs Ogden and Tarry.
It was resolved to adopt the minutes of the meeting of 9 September 2020 as a true and correct record.
There were no matters arising from the minutes that were not to be further discussed on the Agenda.
Cllrs Robinson and Spencer declared an interest in item 7.1, outline planning for a development of up to 5 houses at 14 Shepherds Lane Helpringham.
There were no District Councillors present.
- 7.1 Outline Planning for the demolition of the existing dwelling and erection of up to 5 properties at 14 Shepherds Lane, Helpringham.
- 7.2 The consultation period for the Parish Council ended on 12 October 2020 and it was resolved that following email consultation with all Councillors that there had been no objections; the PC response had been submitted to NKDC on 9 October 2020.
- 8.1 The financial report presented by the Vice Chairman was accepted.
- 8.2 The bank reconciliation was accepted.
- 8.3 The year to date financial report was accepted.
- 8.4 Approval was sought by email and cheques signed prior to the meeting for:
For |
Amount |
Hedge Cutting at Cemetery |
£190 |
Clerks Wages |
£176 |
To prepare monthly payslip and HMRC Payment |
£57.83 |
Annual Training Scheme |
£85 |
£118 |
- 8.5 HMRC. It was discussed and resolved that TJ Bookkeeping and Accounts Ltd would continue to produce payslips and pay HMRC on behalf of the Parish Council.
- 8.6 Statement by the Chairman relating to the former Clerk. A short statement on the update of the Court Case of 2 October 2020 was given. The former Clerk had pleaded guilty to all charges and was referred to the Crown Court for sentencing, we now know this will be on 30 October 2020.
- 8.7 It was discussed that there has been no response from Lloyds Bank regarding the Re-imbursement of the fraudulent cheques. It was resolved that press for this. Cllr Robinson would follow this up.
- 8.8 On the advice of LALC, it was resolved that the Clerk should be added to the bank mandate and the address for bank correspondence.
- 9.1 No interments.
- 9.2 There are to be two memorials erected in the next few weeks.
- 9.3 It was discussed and resolved to accept the cost quoted of £25.00 each for the levelling of 3 graves; £75 in total and to task C J Pell with the work.
- 9.4 Hedge cutting around the cemetery is now complete and it was agreed by all that this had been superb value for money. The PC expressed gratitude to the contractor, C J Pell, for excellent work.
10.0 Highways
Following the meeting on 9 September, an update had been received but no works appear to have been completed. Cllr J Frizzell has requested an update from Cllr Young, and will chase.
- 11.1 Community Speed Awareness. Nothing planned at the moment.
- 11.2 Litter Pick. Cllr Ternouth continues to carry out litter picking adhoc. A village litter pick will resume once Covid measures allow.
- 11.3 Grass cutting. A contract will be in place for 2021. The tender process will be executed in the coming days, with tenders invited by 30 November 2020 for finalisation in the December meeting.
- 11.4 Car parking at Highgate, Helpringham, outside of the school was discussed due to the Playing Field car park being closed and therefore parents and staff not being able to park in there.
- 11.4.1 Correspondence has also been received from a Parishioner asking why, with the Government allowing the opening of playing fields, is ours still closed to all but the footballers.
- 11.4.2 HRFC pay to hire the Playing Field and the car park is only open for the duration of the fixture; importantly, HRFC have their own Covid-19 protocols in place and adhere to Government and Lincolnshire FA Covid regulations.
- 11.4.3 Considerable discussion was given to these matters, however it is a fact that the Playing Field is not a public space, neither owned nor run by the Parish Council. It is private property held in trust [as a registered charity] operated by a small committee of volunteers, on limited funds. It is not a public space and there is no obligation for it to be open. The logistics of opening are not feasible in the current pandemic, given the financial drain it would place on the small charity. The footballers do not use the changing rooms, only use the pitch (and remove equipment from the container), are submit to Track and Trace protocols and must follow very strict Covid guidelines, enforced by an appointed Covid officer, present during fixtures.
- 11.4.4 It was resolved that while it is not for the Parish Council to control, it would be a gesture of goodwill to write to the Chairman of the Playing Field committee to see if we can offer any assistance within our capability.
- 11.5 Parishioner enquiry re cemetery tree. Cllr J Frizzell has sent an email to the parishioner advising a number of options for him to consider, having had input from the Church Warden. All guidance has been passed on and it would be for the resident to initiate albeit we remain on hand to support.
- 11.6 Remembrance Day Parade.
- 11.6.1 A lengthy discussion took place and several suggestions were put forward. It is agreed that the day should proceed in some form, with at the very least wreaths being laid by those wishing to do so. As the Parish Council is a government body and The Green is owned by the Parish Council, a full risk assessment will be required before any form of service were to be held.
- 11.6.2 It was resolved that we need to confer with St Andrew’s Church to ask what their plans are and work together for an acceptable outcome. The Clerk will contact the church warden and confer with Councillors upon a response.
- 11.7 There is to be a road closure at Blotoft level crossing between the hours of 21:00 on 31 October 2020 and 06:00 on 01 November 2020.
- 11.8 The Church Clock.
- 11.8.1 Cllr George Frizzell reported that the church clock is running approximately 15 minutes fast and he has spoken with Smiths of Derby who maintain the clock. However, to correct the time, the clock requires adjustment once a week for six weeks at a cost of £150.00 per time, totalling £900.00. This was classed as unacceptable and therefore following a risk assessment, and on the condition that there are two people in attendance, Cllr Frizzell has offered to do this to save the Parish Council the cost. Councillor Ternouth has offered to help.
- 11.8.2 We extend our Thanks to Cllrs Frizzell and Ternouth.
- 12.1 After some 70 hours being dedicated to the build and populate the new LCC hosted website for the Parish Council by Cllr G Frizzell, the website is now complete and will be one of the first new ones to go live with Cllr Frizzell updating it on a regular basis.
- 12.2 The Chairman extended his sincere thanks to Cllr G Frizzell for his hard work , time and effort on behalf of the Parish Council.
A letter received from a parishioner in relation to the former Parish Clerk has been received directly to the Chairman and although not through the proper channels of the Parish Clerk, the Council still considered the letter. It was noted that the letter made statements and asked no questions, notwithstanding, it was discussed, considered and resolved that no further action was needed.
The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 11 November 2020 via Zoom. It was noted that following Government guidance, it was likely that all meetings for the foreseeable future would be via Zoom.
Zoom Invite.
Topic: Parish Council Meeting 7.30 pm start
Time: November 11, 2020 – Zoom open from 7pm PM London
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