September 22 Minutes


Approved Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday 21st September 2022


Councillors Geoff Hotchkin (Chairman), George Frizzell, Julie Frizzell, Mark Robinson, Parish Clerk Julie Dixon and County Councillor Andrew Key.


Prior to the public speaking time, a minutes silence was observed in memory of HRH Queen Elizabeth ll.

There were two members of the public present, the spokesperson advised that she was representing a number of villagers and their views regarding the proposed village gates. It was advised that they are believed to be a waste of money as they are not proven to be effective, and villagers would much prefer to see flashing speed indicator signs.

In response, Cllr George Frizzell & Cllr Mark Robinson advised that, as per the Agenda and minutes of the last meeting, the Parish Council are already considering the flashing speed indicators.

Cllr Julie Frizzell advised that the gates were more for the cosmetic value, tidying up the entrances to the village. It was commented on by the members of public that they felt that it was not necessary as it is tidy enough with having the bridges at the entrances.

A lengthy discussion followed.

The members of the public also brought up two more questions which will be added to the next meeting agenda.

  1. Why did the precept increase when the Parish Council ended the year with £26,000 in the bank?
  2. Is there any chance of a footpath on School Lane?

As per the Agenda, it was advised that this is a discussion that the Parish Council will be continuing.             


The Chairman welcomed the Councillors to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance.


Apologies were received from District Councillors’ Stewart Ogden and Sally Tarry, Councillors’ William Watts. Malcolm Ternouth and Robert Spencer.


It was resolved to adopt the minutes of the meeting of 10th August 2022 as a true and correct record.


There were no matters arising from the minutes.


There were no declarations of pecuniary interest.


There were no District Councillors present.


              7.1 : Application reference 22/0627/FUL

 Proposal: Replacement of existing barn with a single storey dwelling.

              Location: Land off South Drove Helpringham.

             This item was for information only.

8.0         FINANCE

8.1 The financial report and bank reconciliation presented by the Clerk were accepted.

8.2 The litter picking grant was discussed but decided against applying as the Parish Council already has equipment and the litter picking is carried out by Cllr Malcolm Ternouth primarily, who’s view is not to claim.

8.3 It was resolved that the Parish Clerk will attend the LALC AGM and networking day at a cost of £10.00 plus VAT and the Clerk will also be paid for the time attending as overtime.

8.4 The following payments were approved.

CJP Garden Services

Invoice 230 & 242


Julie Dixon

Clerk Salary


8.5 There were no further financial matters to discuss.   


Cllr George Frizzell gave the Cemetery and Conservation area report;

9.1 There has been 1 interment, 2 memorials are ongoing and 3 memorials are now closed.

9.2 There has been an issue with an Exclusive Right of Burial which should have been raised in August 2005, but unfortunately this was not the case. After receiving a Grant of Probate to allow the Executors to deal with the matter, this has now been resolved. There are however six other Exclusive Rights of Burial for the same family that were issued on block; these will now be reclaimed and re-issued as six named individual documents.

9.3 CJP Services kindly assisted Cllr George Frizzell to move the bench from the Cemetery to the area beside the Pond. Cllr Mark Robinson agreed that he would ensure that the bench was bolted in place onto the hard standing. As per usual the standard of grass cutting in the village is exemplary.

9.4 There will be a topple test required soon which Cllrs George and Julie Frizzell will carry out.


Report by Cllr George Frizzell

10.1 The timing of the Church Clock is to time within about a minute.

10.2  The issue of the bells not working correctly was discussed and Smith of Derby would advise on this problem at the next routine service which is due on the 28 September.

10.2 The website is up to date running well.

11.0       HIGHWAYS.

11.1 Notification has been received of a road closure from 26/09/2022 to 16/10/2022 for track renewal works at Blotoft level crossing.

11.2 Notification of road closure on certain days between the dates of 26/09/2022 and 01/11/2022. Restrictions will be implemented as an when required by Lincolnshire County Council for the construction of the long awaited Station Road footpath. We understand that there have been a minority of complaints about the road closure, however this project is long overdue. Lincolnshire County Council have expressed that there will be access for residents, school busses and emergency vehicles. The road is deemed too narrow for the use of traffic lights.

11.3 The building works on George Street are causing a problem with the fact that the barrier fencing is encroaching onto the Highway. This was reported to Highways, who reported that there was not a problem. County Councillor Andrew Key took this in hand and has been advised that the fence will be moved back by one meter by Sunday 25th September.


12.1  All Councillors present signed the new NKDC Code of Conduct.

12.2  Cllr Mark Robinson has been unable to contact the Heritage Officer regarding the Cemetery wall opposite the church. It is however believed that the cemetery belongs to the church and not the Parish Council as it is not listed on the Asset register.

12.3 Cllr Mark Robinson advised that he does not have a date when the noticeboard will be refurbished.

12.4 Having discussed this item at length in the public forum, it was resolved that the Parish Council will further explore the purchasing of  at least one Evolis flashing speed Indicator at an approximate cost of £2500.00. County Councillor Andrew Key will ask the Road Safety Partnership representative to arrange a meeting with Councillors to ascertain the best position/s.

12.5 Councillor George Frizzell advised that  the Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) for Swaton and Helpringham is still very much ongoing, however it requires EVERYONE that has received a letter to be included in Tranche 1 make a pledge to accept this by registering via the information on the letter. This will allow Openreach to claim vouchers from the government to pay for the installation up to the property but not for the Fibre Broadband service which would be an individual household responsibility. Please register your interest by sending your name, address and telephone number, advising if you are a private or business household to: The deadline for this is 6th October 2022.

Once Tranche one is complete it is then expected that tranche two will cover the rest of the village. This is not a PC led venture but one from residents of both villages who are trying to improve IT infrastructure services to our villages

12.6 The Parish Council have not been given any information regarding the Reservoir project other than what is available in the press. As a Parish Council we will be following this closely and will publish anything official that we may be presented.

13.0       The next meeting will take place on Wednesday 10th October 2022 in Helpringham Village Memorial Hall commencing at 7:30pm.

The meeting closed at 9:20pm.