April 2019 Extra Ordinary Parish Council Meeting
Notes of the meeting of the Extra Ordinary Parish Council Meeting held in the Memorial Hall, Helpringham, Tuesday 30 April 2019
Present: Cllr G Hotchkin – Chairman, Cllr J Frizzell – Vice Chairman, Cllr R Spencer, Cllr W Watts, Cllr Ternouth, Cllr G Frizzell and Adrian Illingworth – Parish Clerk.
No members of the public present. Council meeting commenced at 7.15pm
Apologies (19/13)
Apologises received from Cllr M Robinson. Reason for absence noted and accepted by Council.
3.0 Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and Dispensations (19/14)
4.0 To discuss tendering for grass cutting and its implications (19/15)
The extra ordinary meeting was called following Terra Firma terminating the agreement with the Parish Council to cut the grass in the Parish.
Council agreed the work carried out by the previous contractor was not to up to standard and it was imperative a new contractor was found to take over the role. In addition, a local resident had complained directly to the contractor regarding grass not been cleared.
Council agreed to contact other contractors. No contract would be drawn up for the new contractor but work carried out would be monitored on a cut to cut basis.
Cllr J Frizzell had contacted other contractors including Will Bryce. The Clerk is to contact Mr Bryce and Paul Haines asking for them to provide a quotation for the carrying out necessary work.
The agreement for grass cutting to be reviewed at the next meeting.
Meeting closed 7.48pm.