Lincolnshire Reservoir Update Summer 2024 - Issue 6

Summer 2024  Issue 6

Welcome to our newsletter

Our latest edition provides a reminder on how you can share your feedback on our proposals before the close of consultation, and information about our community events.

Last chance to submit feedback

Thanks to everyone who’s taken part in our consultation so far and provided feedback. We want to remind you that our consultation closes on Friday 9 August 2024. All feedback will be reviewed and taken into consideration. We will publish a feedback summary later this year.

We’d like to get your feedback on our emerging design for the reservoir including ideas for recreation and wildlife. We are also seeking your comments on the infrastructure, channels, and pipeline routes needed to transfer water to and from the reservoir.

You can submit feedback to us in several ways:

  • Online form – complete the form and submit your answers here. 
  • Hard copy feedback form – these were available at our events and can also be requested via email or our freephone on 0800 915 2491.
  • Email us at 
  • Write to us at Freepost Lincolnshire Reservoir

We look forward to receiving your feedback by Friday 9 August 2024.

Our community events 

Our community events have now ended. We hope that those who attended found them informative and engaging. Thank you to everyone who came along, it was a pleasure to meet you all. 

Over the last few weeks we have:

  • Run 14 events in communities.
  • Met over 600 people, who were able to view our proposals, meet the team and ask questions.
  • Hosted two webinars, where we shared our proposals and responded to questions asked.

The proposed new reservoir is planned to help secure water supply for the future and strengthen resilience to drought, while also protecting the environment by enabling a reduction in the amount of water taken from rivers and underground aquifers. 

When there is available water in rivers that would otherwise drain to the sea, the reservoir would store that water for when it’s needed. It could supply enough water for around half a million home in the Anglian Water region, including Lincolnshire.

Our consultation includes an emerging design for the reservoir together with proposals for how to fill the reservoir, treat the water, and transfer it to homes and business.

Details of information on the project can be found on our website: