New Anglian Water Lincolnshire Reservoir Documents

On this page you can view and download a selection of documents that provide more information about Anglian Waters proposals for a new reservoir in Lincolnshire via the link provided below.

Delivering our Shared Ambition - a reservoir in Lincolnshire: this document provides more information about how we will deliver the reservoir in a way that will create a lasting, positive legacy for our region.

Phase One Consultation documents

Anglian Water – Lincolnshire Reservoir Property Support Scheme - Public statement: read the PSS Public Statement

Feedback summary – Lincolnshire Reservoir – phase one consultation, 2022: read a summary of the feedback we received during our first consultation


Site Selection Report – Lincolnshire Reservoir – phase one consultation, 2022: an explanation of the process we have followed to identify a proposed site for the reservoir.

Consultation Brochure – Lincolnshire Reservoir – phase one consultation, 2022: an overview of our proposals for the reservoir and how to take part in the consultation.

DownloadConsultation Brochure – Lincolnshire Reservoir – phase one consultation, 2022

Approach to Consultation – Lincolnshire Reservoir – phase one consultation, 2022: an outline of our plans for consultation.

Consultation Postcard – Lincolnshire Reservoir – phase one consultation, 2022: Postcard sent to all residential and business addresses in the consultation zone.


Proposed site area map: the proposed site area for the reservoir.

Consultation Feedback Form – Lincolnshire Reservoir – phase one consultation, 2022: a copy of the feedback form used during our first phase of consultation in 2022


Helpringham Parish Council is providing this page as information only (17 Nov 23)