Update on survey works in the area (19 Jan 24)

From: Lincs Reservoir Project Team <info@lincsreservoir.co.uk>
Date: Fri, 19 Jan 2024 at 16:09
Subject: Our proposed reservoir in Lincolnshire Reservoir - update on survey works in the area
To: <helpringhamparishcouncil@gmail.com>
Good Afternoon 
We are writing to update you on the ongoing survey work we have been carrying out in the local area to help shape our proposals for a new reservoir in Lincolnshire.  
As you know, throughout 2023 and into 2024 we have been undertaking a range of ground investigations and environmental surveys to help us understand more about the land the proposed reservoir could be sited on. These surveys are an essential part of our work to develop our proposals, as they help us gather information about the ecology, landscape, heritage and ground conditions within our study area.  This phase of intrusive surveys is coming to a conclusion, however, we do continue to have some non-intrusive survey work taking place.  
We’re about to start the process of removing our temporary works compound, located on Gorse Lane, that we set up last year. This will be taking place w/c 22 January, so please be aware there will be an increase in site traffic during this week. We expect delivery of a small unit on the 23rd, this will be placed on land off Mareham Lane, and then we will begin the removal of the large cabins, with the majority of this work taking place on the 25th and 26 January. The following week we will have some activity on site, as we carry out any remedial repairs.  
Where we need to return to carry out more ground investigation surveys, we will inform those directly impacted and the parish councils in advance, so that the landowners and the community can be kept informed. Any access will of course only ever take place with the permission of the landowners. 
As the project progresses we will be undertaking further phases of surveys and we are committed to keeping you informed of these works.  
We appreciate our survey work has involved a significant presence in the local area from our team, and we recognise this will have had an impact on the local community. We’d like to express our sincere thanks to landowners and the local community who have been very patient and cooperative while our team has been carrying out these survey works.   
Please do contact us if you have any questions or queries.  

Kind regards  
Lincolnshire Reservoir Project Team     
Anglian Water is proposing a new reservoir in Lincolnshire that will secure water supply to our customers for future generations.     
To speak to the Lincolnshire reservoir team, please contact info@lincsreservoir.co.uk 
For any other enquiries about Anglian Water, please visit www.anglianwater.co.uk/contact-us/