Lincolnshire Reservoir Community Liaison Group Process for electing a Chairperson, Winter 2023/24


 Lincolnshire Reservoir Community Liaison Group 

Process for electing a Chairperson, Winter 2023/24 

The Lincolnshire reservoir Community Liaison Group (CLG) is seeking applications for the role of Chairperson. Applications will be formally reviewed by the Anglian Water project team before being shared with members via email. Voting will take place via an online poll. The target is to have a Chairperson in place by 31 January 2024, ahead of the second CLG which is anticipated to take place in March 2024. 


The CLG is a community forum designed to provide a line of communication between the Lincolnshire reservoir project team and local stakeholders on project progress, where questions can be raised and answered. 

Applications must be sent to the project team via the project email by 12 January 2024. Applicants are invited to provide a short statement (up to 250 words) explaining why they would like to apply, setting out their relevant experience and suitability for the role. Candidates will also be required to declare any potential conflicts of interest, such as being a landowner within the current project area, or a portfolio holder at a council. Applicant statements will be shared with CLG members as part of the selection process. 


Each member of the CLG will be allotted one vote. Where two representatives from the same organisation are invited to the CLG, they will both be entitled to a vote. 

Candidate statements will be distributed to members on 17 January 2024. Each member will be asked to reply to an online survey with their vote by 24 January 2023. 

The results of the election will be announced on 31 January 2024 with the expectation that they will chair the second CLG meeting. 

Potential outcomes 

A draw between candidates: if two candidates receive an equal number of votes, they could be offered the following options: 

  • To take the role of Chair on an alternating basis, term decided between them and the project team. 
  • To take the role of Chair and Vice Chair – the roles and responsibilities of which to be determined, if required. 
  • For one candidate to forfeit the position in favour of the other. 

No applications: if no application for the role of Chairperson are received, CLG members would be offered the following options: 

  • A further round of voting. 
  • A rolling Chair to be established with a different Chairperson every meeting from within the attendee group. 
  • An Anglian Water representative to adopt the role of the Chair until a Chairperson can be agreed. 

Application with qualifications: if a candidate is only willing to apply for or accept the position with amendments made to the established duties, they should present their qualifications and reasoning to 

the Anglian Water project team. These can then be evaluated internally, before a final decision is made whether they are acceptable changes or if a further round of voting will be required. 

Role of the Chair 

Below is a summary of the duties involved in the role of Chairperson and the desirable characteristics for applicants. Any questions should be directed to the project email 

Duties for Chair: 

  • Commitment of (maximum) eight hours per quarter to attend each meeting and prepare in advance. 
  • To review and agree minutes taken by an Anglian Water representative following each meeting before returning to Anglian Water for distribution. 
  • Agree agenda with Anglian Water project team representative prior to each CLG meeting. 
  • Forward any relevant attendee questions to Anglian Water as required. 
  • Review and comment on presentation slides produced by Anglian Water prior to each CLG meeting. 
  • Chair each meeting. This involves: 
  • Introduce each speaker. 
  • Introduce attendees. 
  • Provide an overview of the meeting agenda. 
  • Keep presentations and discussions to time. 
  • Moderate discussions to maintain a cordial atmosphere and ensure discussions and questions remain on topic. 
  • Maintain a familiarity with project developments. 
  • Abide by the Terms of Reference and lead by example. 
  • Commit to a two-to-three-year term, with a minimum term of one year. 

Characteristics include: 

  • Independent and impartial: someone who can act apolitically, in their capacity as Chair, without bias in matters relating to the CLG. 
  • Familiarity with chairing duties: an understanding of the responsibilities of chairing a meeting and what the role entails, or a familiarity with a similar role, i.e. secretary, minute-taker, public speaking. 
  • Capacity to commit to required hours 
  • Confident in presenting and speaking to members and chairing discussions. 
  • Understanding of the project: either a familiarity with the project or a willingness to learn about the project so far. 
  • Effective timekeeper. 
  • Easy access to email and IT facilities to facilitate ongoing communications with project team and to review documents. 

Any candidate unable to fulfil these characteristics would be considered unsuitable and therefore unable to fulfil the role. 

Published 10 Jan 24