Planning Application (24/0266/FUL) (12 Mar 24)

Our Ref : 24/0266/FUL

Contact : Andrew Willerton

Email :


Judy Pittock

Eau End Farm

Helpringham Fen, Helpringham, Sleaford

Lincolnshire, NG34 0BS

12th March 2024


Dear Judy Pittock

Notification of Receipt of Planning Application

Planning Application Reference: 24/0266/FUL

Proposal: Retention of 21 no. groundwater monitoring boreholes for a temporary period in connection with the proposed Lincolnshire Reservoir (10 no. until 31 December 2026 and 11 no. until 31 July 2024)

Location: Land North Of A52, South East Of Scredington And South West Of Helpringham Lincolnshire

The above planning application has been received by the District Council on 11th March 2024, The application can be viewed online at, enter the planning application reference in to the search box. Any comments which your Council wish to make must be received by the District Council by April 5th, 2024 otherwise they may not be taken into account because of the time-scales in which we have to operate. You can make comment on the application via Planning Online, simply log in to your account and the comments will automatically come to us. Or alternatively you can email your comments to

The initial assessment is that the application will be decided under delegated powers by the Development Manager. This will be subject, however, to further consideration following the receipt of the comments of your Council. Should it be decided that the application will need to be referred to a Planning Committee for determination then you will be notified.

The Council promotes applicants to engage in pre-application discussions with the Planning Department prior to a planning application being formally submitted. This is to allow for the early identification of relevant issues and to ensure that the correct level of information submitted in connection with a proposal etc.

The planning application forms will indicate whether any such pre-application discussions have taken place with the Council. However, it must be stressed that any opinions expressed are those by a Planning Officer and do not prejudice any future consideration of a formal planning application by the Council, including a decision taken by the Planning Committee.

The consideration of a planning application requires a full and detailed appraisal of the proposal and including consideration of comments from neighbours, Parish/Town Councils, elected representatives and technical bodies, and which may alter the views originally expressed.

Yours faithfully

Planning Services