Planning Applications 2020

Planning Applications

The details of the latest Planning Applications being considered by Helpringham Parish Council will be detailed here.  The Parish Council is invited to comment on Planning Applications and Tree Preservation Orders submitted within the Parish of Helpringham; residents are encouraged to make their own comments direct to the District Council and can view the application by inserting the planning reference here.

Brief details of applications sent to the Parish Council for comment from NKDC planning are published below

Date application received

12 Aug 20


8A High Gate Helpringham Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 0RD

Planning reference


Brief planning description

Conversion of part of an existing agricultural building for use as a butchery/food preparation area

PC Comments to NKDC

Parish Council happy to support.

Date Response Sent

12 Aug 20

NKDC Decision/Status

Approved (21 Sep 20)

Date application received

12 Aug 20


25 High Street Helpringham Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 0RA

Planning reference


Brief planning description

Felling of the chestnut tree

PC Comments to NKDC

PC has asked if there is an alternative to felling and would ask the Tree Officer to advise.

Date Response Sent

12 Aug 20

NKDC Decision/Status

Approved subject to planting a new Tilia tomentosa


Date application received

12 Aug 20


16 Vicarage Lane Helpringham Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 0RP

Planning reference


Brief planning description

Menage construction

PC Comments to NKDC

Parish Council happy to support.

Date Response Sent

12 Aug 20

NKDC Decision/Status


(17 Sep 20)

Date application received

9 Sep 20


25 Station Road Helpringham Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 0RB

Planning reference


Brief planning description

Application to vary conditions 2 (Parking), 6 (Tree Protection Scheme) and 8 (Approved Plans) attached to application 16/1444/FUL - Erection of four detached dwellings and private driveway.

PC Comments to NKDC

The Parish Council support the planning application and unequivocally support the changes and agree to the use of indigenous materials for the development.

Date Response Sent

9 Sep 20

NKDC Decision/Status

After consideration of the planning issues, it was resolved to approve the application for the following reasons:-

Planning permission (ref: 16/1444) was granted in February 2017 for the erection of four detached houses on land off of Station Road, Helpringham. This permission was implemented before it lapsed in early 2020 and plot 4 is substantively constructed. A revised house type is now proposed for plot 3, with further revisions to the others including siting of plot 1, handing of plot 2, materials, windows and proposed tree protection/ landscaping, the latter to reflect the existing site arrangements following tree removal.

The proposed works, following submission of revised details are considered acceptable in respect of matters of design, tree protection and proposed landscaping in particular and accordingly the recommendation is one of approval.

Approved 2 Nov 20

Date application received

18 Sep 20


14 Shepherds Lane Helpringham Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 0RU

Planning reference


Brief planning description

Outline application for the demolition of existing dwelling and erection of up to 5 dwellings (all matters reserved)

Revised plans showing for provision of two passing places along Shepherds Lane received 12 Nov 20


PC Comments to NKDC

The Parish Council has no objection to the planning application


Date Response Sent

6 Oct 20

NKDC Decision/Status

After consideration of the planning issues, it was resolved to approve the application for the following reasons:-

This application relates to the demolition of an existing house and erection of up to five new dwellings on land to the south of Shepherds Lane, which is in part a single track private road serving four existing properties and an annex under construction. The scale of development proposed is in accordance with that for individual applications in medium villages as set out in Policy LP2 of the CLLP and the remaining indicative growth for Helpringham under Policy LP4. The existing house though of some age is not of significant amenity value and is not identified by the District Council as a non-designated heritage asset and its loss should be balanced against the benefits of delivering up to five (net four) new dwellings. The application site which has strongly defined boundaries and relates well to the existing settlement, is capable of being developed without harming the character of the area, the countryside beyond or the amenities of adjacent residents. Whilst elements of the site represent greenfield edge of village in an appropriate location, it is considered that given the nature of Helpringham and remaining growth, this is sequentially acceptable in accordance with Policy LP4 and consistent with the conclusions drawn on recent applications within the settlement. The proposal is within close walking distance of existing village services and whilst the nature of Shepherds Lane is noted, the Highways Authority and NKDC refuse team do not raise objection to the proposal taking into consideration the proposed provision of passing places on the Lane and a turning head within the development, which with associated indemnity agreement will enable NKDC refuse vehicles to collect from frontages.

Drawing the above together it is considered that the proposal is acceptable in principle, representing a sustainable form of development in accordance with the objectives of the CLLP and NPPF.

Date application received

7 Oct 20


30 High Street, Helpringham, Sleaford, Lincolnshire, NG34 0RA

Planning reference


Brief planning description

T1 Prunus -crown thining/reduction 20%; T2 Yew - crown thining 10%, re-balance

PC Comments to NKDC

No objection to thinning


Date Response Sent

Oct 20

NKDC Decision/Status

In relation to the Section 211 Notice, it has been decided that the Council will not be making a Tree Preservation Order. Consequently you may proceed with the works notified. The work must be completed within 2 years from the date this notice. (29 Oct 20)


Date application received

9 Nov 20


16 Shepherds Lane Helpringham Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 0RU

Planning reference


Brief planning description

Proposed demolition of existing bungalow, replacement dwelling & erection of 4 new dwellings with detached double garages & associated works (outline with all matters reserved).

Notification of Receipt of Amended Plans/ Additional Information - 21 Dec 20

Proposal:  Proposed demolition of existing bungalow, erection of replacement dwelling & 7 new dwellings with garages & associated works (outline with all matters reserved).

PC Comments to NKDC

The Parish Council conducted a site visit to view planning application 20/1385/OUT and offers the following comments.

1. The site appears to be of sufficient size to accommodate the proposed development and we have no objections in principle. However the access road (Shepherds Lane) is very narrow and likely to pose difficulties for refuse collection, oil delivery and any other medium/large vehicle.

2. An adjacent, similar application (20/1162/OUT) addresses some of these issues but this application (20/1385/OUT) doubles the number of properties being accessed from this narrow lane and we would wish to see a requirement to provide a turning area for large vehicles within each development.

3. Shepherds Lane is unadopted, and we consider it essential that council refuse vehicles are able  (and willing) to access this development. It is unacceptable that residents of this proposed development would have to take bins the long distance to the end of the lane, where there is no space for them anyway, exacerbating access problems.

PC Comments on Revised Plans: Awaiting comments

Date Response Sent

1 Dec 20

NKDC Decision/Status

The above mentioned planning application has recently been determined.

The decision notice can be viewed online at  

After consideration of the planning issues, it was resolved to approve the application. (2 Feb 22)


Date application received

8 Dec 20


7 Church Lane Helpringham Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 0RH

Planning reference


Brief planning description

Erection of front porch in a conservation area

PC Comments to NKDC

After discussion it was resolved to support the application.

Date Response Sent

10 Dec 20

NKDC Decision/Status

The size and design of the proposed porch are considered to be acceptable and therefore the recommendation is one of approval subject to conditions. (25 Jan 20)

Date application received            

 16 Dec 20


 Ambler House Station Road Helpringham Sleaford


Planning reference


Brief planning description
 Demolition of existing detached concrete double
garage and replace with 7-bay timber garage.

PC Comments to NKDC

 With reference to the above planning application at
Ambler House, Helpringham for a 7 bay timber garage,
Helpringham Parish Council do not have any objections
as long as the structure is to be used for private use only.

Date Response Sent

4 Jan 2021

NKDC Decision/Status
After consideration of the planning issues, it was resolved
to approve the application for the following reasons:-
Officers consider that the design of the proposed building
is acceptable and therefore the recommendation is one of
approval subject to conditions. (8 Mar 21)