Heckington Area Voluntary Car Service
Heckington Area Voluntary Car Service
For your transport needs - phone 01529 460809 (07787440000 from 1 April 24)
The HAVCS operates within the Parishes of Heckington, Great Hale, Little Hale, Helpringham, Kirkby la Thorpe, Ewerby and Evedon.
The service is available to any person living within this catchment area who requires transport for any MEDICAL purpose and cannot reasonably use public transport.
The HAVCS will deliver prescriptions to those who are are too ill to collect their prescriptions from the surgeries or chemists.
The HAVCS will arrange transport to hospitals for close relatives to enable them to visit in patients.
To arrange transport for any medical purpose 01529 460809 (07787440000 from 1 April 24). This number is staffed between 8.30am and 10am weekday mornings. At all other times use the answerphone to leave your requirements and a co-ordinator will get back to you.